Winter Testing

Learn more about COVID-19 antibody testing

Learn more about our range of COVID-19 solutions and how they could help with your diagnostic needs. As we enter 2021, we also move into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health services must be prepared to respond to new challenges, including the resurgence of the virus, the emergence of new strains, coordinating the roll-out of vaccination programmes, and supporting patients with ‘long covid1.’ The development of reliable mass testing services is crucial in limiting the spread of COVID-19. Novacyt’s [...]


COVID-19 in the winter season – overcoming new challenges with the Winterplex™

Distinguishing COVID-19 infection from other respiratory illnesses is of crucial importance in controlling the spread of the disease. This is especially true during the winter months, where there is a surge in flu cases as well as other illnesses. The genesig® SARS-CoV-2 Winterplex enables clinicians to simultaneously test for COVID-19 and other winter illnesses, providing reliable results in under two hours.   As we enter the winter months of 2020, there are several unknowns about how the severity and spread of COVID-19 [...]


Review of winter testing requirements

Welcome back to the latest blog! As we edge closer to the winter season. This year will be a pivotal time for testing compared to previous years. Each year during the winter seasons hospitals are presented with an increase in hospital admissions and busier intensive care units as the risk of developing a virus becomes greater.  During the winter seasons, various viruses peak such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other forms of cold and flu viruses. Those that become [...]